Frank's Encounters
I stepped into the density, and could see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen radiating all forms of beautiful energy. I shouted “Is that LOVE? That’s LOVE..!” The energy of love itself. Love was radiating off of her, in the forms of such wonderful energies. The energies would then fill everything. I mean EVERYTHING..! I could see it and feel it. Everything is made with love. This is amazing. There are no words for this. Experience is the only real teacher in a situation like this.
We floated toward each other. Her wings were spread, her arms stretched outward toward me.

Her energies were filling my frame work, and pulling me toward her warm embrace. As I hugged her, the energies that make up love, tore layers from me and replaced what they took with love. I held her so tight and my memories came back to me. "I am so sorry.!” I began to cry. “How could I forget ALL of this? How could I forget you?” I squeezed her even tighter. It felt like forever.
“You are always there for us! You never leave us..!” “I Remember..!” I began to recognize how severe the situation was with All of us on the planet. “How can I help?” “What can I do? and How can I do anything with this.!” I was pointing at the planet. It was full of muck. Layer after layer of thick density, filled with beings that had agendas of all kinds. I was pacing while speaking with her, because it looked like a hopeless situation. “It’s filled with monsters,beasts, and technologies, what chance to I have against such odds?” As I turned to face, her she intercepted my rant with her touch. The goddess Isis grabbed me by my arms. She whispered to me, “Your Light Sword.” My arms began to glow, then ignited with a bright furious light of divine energy.
“My Swords..!” “YESSSSSSSS..! I screamed with returning gnosis. “Thank You, so much.!”
“I Love You.!” I turned to look back at the planet. Now I was ready, Now I can help.
Suddenly, I felt as if I was beginning to go back down to my density. As I started to sink into the energies, she grabbed me by my face lovingly, and said, “Remember it’s a Heist..”


During one experience, I left my body, and was ascending into space. I was intercepted by a beautiful blue sphere. We were near the Sun. I was enveloped by the sphere, and I entered. I could see out of this massive window that we were looking at Earth, from the perspective of the Sun. Everything was gold inside the sphere, and the controls looked like glowing crystals. It was enormous inside. It actually looked bigger inside then it did outside.
There were spheres surrounding the entire area of space. The spheres were absorbing energy coming into the space around our planets, that would harm us. I could see the Sun discharging energy, and the spheres acting as a barrier, absorbing the energies and then shooting the back out, somewhat more evenly distributed. They were saving us, as well as the other planets. I had no idea this was happening up here. There were hundreds, No.! There were thousands of these spheres. There were every where.
As I turned to get a better look at my surroundings, I was face to chest with this incredible being. He was 8ft tall, has the head of a bird, and the body of the best super human ever. He had braided blue, white, and brown feathers on his head, and was holding a book with the translation of every known language. He told me he was the creator of all language, and thought. I looked to him as if I knew him, and just let out “That’s cool, What Else?” I began to laugh. I asked if I could touch his braids and make sure he was real. He said, “Yes.” He assured me he was quite real, and began explaining to me, that he would translate the languages on the sphere for me.
He is Thoth. Not a god. He helped create all language. He has returned with many other entities ad beings, to help with our transition to 5d.
He was with giant blue and brown Avians, that were showing different types of beings into this ball of light big enough to walk into, two at a time. This “Ball” of light would show these beings what they were doing wrong, and how they could not advance any further with out changing their ways. The were not being judged, but rather being shown. The beings were crying and freaking out, bearing witness to their own atrocities.
There were two raptor beings, that were 'very scary,’ stepping into the light ball a few feet from me. Thoth grabbed me and said, “Be careful, most of these beings, especially them, will try to kill you." "Stay back and observe them.” There was a line of beings waiting for their turn to go into this light. I made the remark, “Its the Cantina scene in Star Wars, with the lights on..!”
There were so many beings on this sphere that were speaking to me, while Thoth, translated all.
Thoth explained that this area of our galaxy was taken by the dark forces, and that “They" had been working to remove them from all power. He explained the Karma wheel was being removed, so that we would get to assend with out the "dark forces" getting in the way.
They were removing archonic beings that feed on our fear, and they' were removing the veil that was placed around the planet, by the A.I. The eye in the pyramid is the enemy. It is an artificial intelligence that has taken over, and inserted reptilian overloards to see 'us’ as slaves, and live in fear so that the archons can eat. It has us building the technology, that will alow the A.I. into us, for total control, till we basically either die off, or become some technology flesh robot that the A.I. can control….
“Wow, thats a lot of work right there.!” I was shocked. “Hope you brought enough people to help..!” I laughed again, hiding my nervousness. He looked at me as if I were a child making silly noises with my mouth. I looked down for a moment, and saw this orange, gold symbol glowing with in the floor. “Wow.!" It looked so cool and inviting. I said “Who ever stands there must be Awesome right, I mean look at that thing..!”
Thoth then looked at me confused. “That’s Your spot, You stand there.” Then he laughed, “Don’t you REMEMBER?"

LGanesha and I have an interesting relationship. We both enjoy dancing, and love to laugh and joke around. My first time meeting Ganesha, was such an intense moment during an Aya ceremony. By this time I had met many beings on my journey, but had found myself asking if I can meet him, and if he was even real or not. Never got the answer from any of the beings, until the day FearLess Tribe member Sergio showed up to my place. We were sharing in an experience, and I noticed nothing was really happening with Sergio’s experience, or so I thought...
I watched as being after being filled the room, and surrounded Sergio. Shiva, RA, Anubis, Sekmet, Aya, goddess Isis, Horus, and Thoth. They were all looking at Sergio with such intensity. Honestly I was getting a little bit nervous, I’ve never seen anything like this before. Shiva asked me, “Do you know his name?” “Yes” I replied, it’s Sergio.! Then he asked again, “What is his name?” I replied again a lil puzzled, “It’s my buddy Sergio..! You know, from California.!” Shiva looked at me, as I started starring at Sergio. “Who is he again?” Shiva asked one last time. “Come on man !” I said, "Look at him! can’t you see ? that’s ‘RAyon’ from the ‘Bird Tribe.’” I stopped for a second. “What did I just say?” I asked myself. I looked back at Sergio, and he was sitting on the floor. Rising out of him was a bird being, and some how I knew this version of him better then I actually know Sergio. We were/are from the same tribe.
What was happening during this experience, was nothing short of mind blowing, but that was just the beginning. I felt this intense love for having my friend returned to me, and wanted to express this with a celebration, but “They” had other plans for this experience. Sergio/RAyon, was not seeing or hearing any of this, he was just sitting there. A chessboard rose up under him, and things started getting weird. “weird lol…”
I was shoved into the bedroom and landed on the bed, furthest point in the house from him. "What is happening?” Im so confused. I could see them beginning to circle Sergio, as if they were animals ready to leap on their prey. RA shouted to me, “Mind Your Own Business.!”
“This is my business..!” “Im the Shaman Here..!” As I tried to get up off the bed and interfere with whatever was about to happen to my friend, who came all the way from Cali to see me and have this experience, I blacked out. Five seconds later I woke up, laying on my back on the bed. “WTF is going ON??” “Did you just shut me off?” I asked as I tried to get up again, and BAM.! Down I go again. Paula comes in and is watching me go through this struggle about 5 or 6 times. I keep trying to struggle. Things just got real, real fast. I looked up, and went to shout but, I saw this Blue Elephant headed man being coming out from the wall in front of me. “Holy Sh!$..!” I shouted. “Its Ganesha, He’s here, finally..!” He was Huge and Awesome, but I noticed he was still coming at me. Ganesha said to me, as he leaped up onto the bed and slammed down his giant body right onto my chest, “Man Who Walks in ALL Worlds..!””So nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard so many good things..!” He was sitting on my chest and with each of his feet pinned my arms down to the mattress. “Im going to need you to RELAX” Because this is going to happen..!”
Paula watched as I yelled to her that Ganesha finally shows up, and they make him sit on me so I can not interfere in Sergio’s experience. I struggled and struggled, Ganesha was very serious with me. After some time I gave up trying to break free, and Ganesha was just looking at me like a security guard watching a trouble maker. Anubis comes over to me from across the room. “Anubis! thanks the gods.! Please get Ganesha off of me.” Ganesha slowly starts to get off of me, and Anubis says firmly “We will let you up if you act accordingly?” “Okay” I agreed, “But whats going on here, with my friend?”
“He needs to make his choice and you can not interfere.!” Anubis says very matter of fact.
“All of this over a Choice?” I get up and look at Ganesha, and start to walk toward him. “You sat on me over a choice?” “WTF.!” I took a half a step toward him. He looked into my eyes, smiled, snapped his chubby digits fingers together, and I blacked out again, this time, on the floor. Paula helped me back up onto the bed, and I remember saying something about “This time I think I really learned that lesson..!” We laughed, and I blacked out again….. “Lessons”